ACE Talks in Action


ACE Talks topics
Unit 207, 7 Mallory Street,
Wanchai, Hong Kong
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Character education talks in schools to promote better engagement with elders. Students develop character strengths through learning to care for elders. The “GrandChallenges” enable students to put their learning into practice. Topics include communication, empathy, gratitude, and perseverance.
Angel, volunteer speaker on “Gratitude”at Hong Kong And Macau Lutheran Church Primary School
I gave a talk to Primary 3 students about the importance of gratitude. Although young, they reflected on what it means to be grateful and how to express gratitude. They all became quiet when I shared that they arrived into this world with nothing but could immediately enjoy so many blessings. You could see their little brains processing this new understanding of gratitude. What a joy!
Primary 3 student feedback on talk about “Gratitude” and “Communication.”Ap Lei Chau Kaifong Primary School
I’m really grateful that I have a grandmother who takes care of my younger siblings and me all the time. To show my appreciation for my grandmother’s love, I help to take care of my younger siblings when she’s resting.
Catherine, volunteer speaker, Newman Catholic College
I enjoyed sharing about the elderly with students at Newman Catholic College. I hope my talk planted a seed that spending time with grandparents is time well spent for themselves, for their grandparents, indeed for the whole family. I believe if our youth focus on improving communication within the family, they will realise that this enhances their own quality of life.